Thursday, July 21, 2011

A lack of time and sleep

Unfortunately I was unable to write much of a blog for my last trip. I will be sure to write one the next day I have off (which is in over 2 weeks after 2 trips). For the mean time though, suffice it to say that it was great. The crew was great, the weather was great, the food was great, and the trip was great.

We did a Horse River Loop, found blueberries, covered some miles (65 for me, 75 for the crew after doing laps around Horseshoe Island), and swam. We paddled 5 days (Alumacrafts) and camped 4 nights. More information to come later. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera batteries and so had no pictures.

I leave on my next trip tomorrow, a 80-mile trip up Agnes, across Kawnipi, and down Kahshahpiwi for 6 days. I should be pretty cool. When I get back, I'm on a "turn and burn." I get off water, my crew leaves the next day, and I get a crew that afternoon. No rest for the weary. On the flip side, I do get 3 days off after I get back.

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